NAMafia Investment Thread

I would argue amazon and Microsoft are not bubbles their market share is huge and more people use their products and services every day

Very epic post

the more you associate “currency” and capital as being part of your self-worth, the more of a soulless tool you become


I am the richest person I know.

You truly are rich in spirit and soul my friend

Also money but it’s just useless.

i know youre trolling but to clarify most bigly pub traded tech companies produce some amount of physical product Or they do some sort of B2B solution for a company that does physical shit (redhat, salesforce)


Nmagane the type of dude to watch the big short then invest in like $100k of water bottles

These are just buzzwords

I no joke watch the big short every single night before bed.

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??? Wtf

dude ur on klonopin maintenance that’s the ultimate soul/personality killer

This is ugly

Not a hard accomplishment in Egypt

Nmagane equals sign virgin

nmagane has never brought a woman to orgasm it’s okay

Never said it was, I didn’t actually accomplish anything haha! - alas I’m just pointing out that I’m not just saying money is worthless because I don’t have it, but because there is nothing worth money ; making it, in turn, worthless.