"for context, let me just make sure to repost the thing that upset him, just so everyone gets a good look at it"

great fucking moderation asoul buddy

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dude stop fucking typing i'm not arguing with you anymore

For someone with such a good memory you sure like being vague and fallacious.
When did NEL die out? Was it before or after 2017?
When did Jones start posting on the forum? When did I start posting?

You don't have to blow this out of proportion. You don't like Jones because he's a terrible jerk, I get it. But he's not the reason NADotA died lol, not even 1%.

It's not an argument you're being genuinely crazy here. Like go ask those people yourself, seriously.

You were never arguing with me, you were arguing with a strawman in your head the whole time.

Stream is live

Ur gay

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How the fuck is insom still upset about something that happened this long ago? Sometimes you dont get your way buddy. Its time to grow up. Youre the only one who cares about those posts. We arent going out of our way to appease the baby boy baby posting

Insom you're just wrong on all counts, I'm sorry.

  1. The "post quality" of NADota was always horrible and has probably gotten better since the dota days - in those days it was a straight up cesspool of the internet and was widely known that way. Think about how people talked about it outside the forum. Some of the people posting like that were pros (or would be pros later) and much of the posting was about dota. I think you have rose-colored glasses about "post quality" - all it takes is one "arteezy slayer" post that sticks in your memory but realize it was one in like 7 years and there was a lot of garbage across those 7 years. Notable memories of mine: Flatsix posting an actual photo of his poop. GrandGrant having the worst posts of all time (LBJ tier but he wasn't educated and didn't bother to spell/got horribly drunk often - it's pretty funny you list GrandGrant when talking about post quality lol). All of the mods being straight up idiots with no meaningful contribution to anything and they could ban you for a laugh. The whole site mainly being used to harass and talk down to people in a strict hierarchy. Basically, the posts weren't good, you just remember them that way because you were in a different phase of life and you idolized the people who posted them.

  2. People leave forums like this for a million reasons but the main reason is just that they grow up and have more to do and don't need to hang around a dota forum shooting the shit any more. The forum became less and less about dota (this one is not about dota at all) and less and less about shitting on people (certain "high-quality" posters of yours were really only there for that). And people want to hang and talk to their friends - if their friends aren't here, they won't spend much time here. People change over time, communities change over time - you may as well ask why people stopped playing dota (hint: It's not one reason but a myriad of them which ultimately boil down to "I am not in that phase of life any more").

  3. The AI images are not offensive and it's better that they're visible so other people can see and make their own determination. Osiris as a fat cherub in heaven playing disc golf? It's funny. Seriously - tell me what there is to be upset about. At the time I believe you were blowing up in the thread but the images had been deleted so it wasn't clear what was actually said/done - that actually makes the situation worse. If the images are available to people, they will be like: Oh. Well what's the issue? I'm sorry to say but I believe you have a major problem with something called emotional displacement. It's very sad that Osiris died - instead of processing that emotion, you displace it onto an external target and have a seemingly out-of-proportion emotional reaction to something mundane. And the reason people label your rage as narcissistic is that it feels a bit like "I didn't get my way/people didn't validate me the first time I had this emotion, so now I am going to double down and push it harder as a way of basically bullying people into validating me." It just feels disconnected from the actual thing and like you have decided to build a whole persona around being overly angry about stuff.

Let me summarize since that was a lot. The forum is different today than it was way back when - probably better. People here are better and are in a more mature phase of life. Unfortunately some of the people who used to post have moved on in life (or, in a couple of notable cases, death). The discussion of "post quality" is silly because the old post quality was so bad. Now people are just here talking about their lives and things that interest them. Post quality's not quantifiable but by my estimation it's better, not worse. And lastly you seem overly mad about something that seems pretty mundane and I would argue is not even particularly offensive.

Thanks for reading.

You should write a book about nadota

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I am writing my book about NADota in every mini-novel I post on this site

I had sex with your mother


If you're talking about normal people leaving for post quality, I start thinking of people like Kanye and cactus

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Maybe posting quality degraded from when the forum first started but compared tot he posts on nadota I’m not really sure if they’re outright worse

I miss them but wcyd

Maybe we can goad Kanye back someday but cactus feels gone gone

I wonder if Casey still dips or if he switched to zyns

He came back about 3 weeks ago, @ him and he might respondo