This forum is peak culture

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you fucking idiot. it's not just about the images themselves. it's about the fact they were posted with the ONLY INTENT of causing further mental pain to someone GRIIEVING THEIR FUCKING LOST FRIEND. IN HIS FUCKING MEMORIAL THREAD.

For you to look at that situation and instead of thinking "wow, that's kinda fucked up to try and fuck with someone who is vulnerable and grieving" you go "lol pussy that image wasn't offensive. i even reposted it to prove it. look at all those other people it wasn't intended for, they don't find it upsetting either"

you're genuinely autistic or a sociopath. you don't understand the human to human stuff very well.

the intent is far worse than the actual thing he posted (it's insane I actually have to type this verbatim and that this isn't something you just inherently grasp), and you don't take that into account at all. you're basically sitting here telling me I'm a pussy for getting upset and actually jones was perfectly fine to bully me in that thread. you're a huge piece of shit and I genuinely fucking hate you. I'd spit in your face if I could.

your only actual contribution to that situation was..... to repost jone's image "for all to see"

you're so fucking weird and stupid and incompetent it's genuinely amazing ■■■ even trusts you to contribute to this abortion of a website. I hope someone in your family gets terminal cancer. eat shit.

this is his response to me getting mad when someone goes out of their way to fuck with me for no reason in a thread designed to grieve the loss of a personal friend of mine. lol.

hey guess what idiot? I wasn't upset until jones started fucking with me. how come you don't mention that in your post? you just make it sound like I got angry for literally no reason.

you don't have to say "people" , lol. just outright state that's how you feel, pussy.

and "not getting my way" being "the admins/mods doing absolutely nothing to the site's most well known shitposters/bully actively fucking with someone who just lost a friend, in the thread designed to grieve for them."

your only response is to go "lol that's actually funny though". cool man. good stuff. couldn't possibly imagine why I would be mad at you.

maybe you find that funny, but considering he's 1. making fun of the way I'm grieving, ie. the post I made referencing I hope he's exploring the universe and 2. making fun of my weight, it's pretty bizzare that you don't see what I would find upsetting about it. especially at a time I'm literally grieving????

like are you fucking stupid??

you mean like grieving? like by saying things like "I miss you Osiris, I hope you're doing well out there"

like that kind of emotional processing? the exact thing that I got bullied for?

cool argument bro

how could I possibly get mad at the mod response of

  1. reposting the thing that upset me
  2. literally not punishing jones in any way
  3. outright agreeing with him through dogwhistling
  4. calling it funny
  5. leaving up audio clips of him calling me all sorts of vile shit

wow what an excellent response to the literally only challenging situation you've faced in your ___ years as mod. you incompetent fucking baboon. why do you place yourself in a position of power than involves dealing with PERSONAL PROBLEMS when you're literally too autistic/sociopathtic/whatever the fuck is wrong with you, we don't know because you won't tell us a single thing about yourself to deal with or even understand personal problems

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yeah all it did was make your most active and longest tenured poster instantly quit the website, probably forever

you handled that super well champ, great job

bro the only thing I have to say to you is if you ever, I mean ever make a post about how you're attending x y z event, I am booking a ticket to that event and we can chat in person

Well. That was very rude

cmon bro, where's your next effortpost?

you done already?

this is typically what he does when he realizes he has nothing left to say, he tries to play the whole thing off as a joke and slides out of the thread with some vague shit designed to be funny and imply the whole thing was some type of game to him.

suck my fucking dick you antisocial piece of garbage

what year did you start posting? because I'm pretty sure you were a 2014 or 2015er which means you're literally not qualified to speak on this issue.

also, the reason the serious dota people all stopped posting on nadota and associating with it any way was BECAUSE of the shitposters. and the loss of the dota players did help drive away the normies, you're right about that. just wrong about the reason behind it.

Spit-Wad and Ganked and Akiri were so much better than any of you clowns, how fucking dare you speak down on them lmao. so much of this post is just you literally making shit up to fit your narrative. yes, the posts were actually better, anybody would tell you that. no, it's not just that it was "that phase of my life"

and shitposters like you are the MAIN THING that drove away the actual good dota players.

Shut up bro.

I actually understand where you are coming from here, I just think it's misplaced.

If I can summarize it and remove the insults, it's that it's not the actual thing that was posted (which the rest of us are talking about and saying: I don't see what the big deal is) - but the intention to kick you when you're down and the seeming permission he has to express that intention. I actually get that feeling because i have felt that before. Realizing a friend secretly harbored fairly malicious intentions toward me and being very hurt that I let this person into my life. It's a lot and it had me ranting and raving just like you are now - those posts are probably on this site somewhere, if I was posting at the time.

However in this the only way to process is a healthy dose of "The only thing I can control is myself." You can't make jones find it inappropriate to poke you when you're upset. You can't make the incompetent mods of this website decide this is a targeted attack on you and you're just really not doing well and need to be protected. I've been having this conversation with ■■■ recently on the extent to which we create safe spaces on this website. The bottom line was it's up to everyone to deal with their own shit unless things clearly cross a line and multiple people feel someone's being obnoxious. We're not here to litigate people's feelings. We are, after all, all autistic or sociopaths or both.

So I'll summarize my own post by saying I understand why you're hurt. But we each get to decide whether we allow someone's intention to hurt us to actually get there. We are all responsible for ourselves and our own mental and emotional state; this is the part we can control.

And we do have our own form of a semi-safe space on the website (The Lounge) and some posters who have made others uncomfortable in the past (including the one you are upset about) are not allowed in there. In my situation, I simply avoided that person forever until he was gone from my life. You could (and are welcome to) post in the Lounge exclusively for the rest of NADota's long history if you never wished to interact with Jones again. It's effectively the same as a ban from your own mental space.

And please take back the cancer comment. Multiple members of my family have already had terminal cancer.

Start your own website, be the admin, bring back the good mods and good posters by banning the shit posters then.

lmao not once did I try to moralize to jones, I don't even speak to him. I speak to people like you ABOUT HIM.

literally you'd have to be blind and deaf not to see that. what the fuck are you talking about.

You make yourself a target by acting unhinged on this website, alienate the people who could be your friends/supporters, and then cry out when people act exactly as you'd expect them to act in that situation.

Clean up your life situation/mental health before coming here and talking a bunch of shit about the people here.

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I don't like to be cursed at so I won't be engaging any further, you got your 3 effort posts of the night.

he was already posting shit like this before he even went at me. I literally @d you TELLING YOU "jones isn't here to fucking grieve dude" those were my words.

then he went at me, and your response was to downplay the situation and repost his image.

You're Jewish.

also before he went at me