Not a sex offender. You belong in a psych ward. And if you want irony go watch your stream vods fatty. Youre the roundest person on the forum and wear hats to hide your shitty hairline. Maybe if you stopped eating so much and lost the 200 extra pounds youre carrying you wouldnt need to hyperfocus on jones troll posts to feel better about yourself

Unlike you ive actually taken steps to improve my life. You just keep eating and sink into your pathetic depression and even then you require validation from others and demand to be treated well because of it. Youre literally a woman. Stop eating so much, go to the gym, and stop getting your little baby feelings hurt because someone that was also osirses friend is doing something that osiris would have found funny. Baby insom managed to lash out and make osirises death about himself. You are an actual genuine pathetic 400 pound conspiracy nut with man tits and probaby zero testosterone. Seriously grow the fuck up. You are the only one that cares about those posts. The only reason you hate those posts is because jones is the one person on the entire planet you can look to and say hey this person is worse than me

Youre not talking about your feelings. Youre screaming like an actual baby because youre not getting what you want when nobody even agrees with you.

Also therapy in its current form is an absolute scam. Depression meds dont work. At best they mask symptoms

How are you all still like this


Whats your current nootropic stack

i portrayed you as the drakejak and me as the kendrickjak

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I think Alightsoul and Marski would get along really well.

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Incorrect; you belong in a psych ward.



Delusion, Cope, the Whole Nine Yards.





You are the child.

Wrong; You are the worst person on the planet.

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@oqscpqvhxmfqmtigqk You should start posting more often.

Don't need any, my mental clarity and focus are already at a level that most would find overwhelming. I see past the three dimensional projection of reality most are stuck in. Soon I'll go even further. Anyways glad to hear you haven't DR'd any more drunk teens in my absence truly learning and growing every day.


Is adhd real?

@insom is a chonkers?


Omega lol

where did this come from

Toprak is taking some creative liberties on the account.

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you're lying to me
what's new

No I actually thought it was Toprak since I didn't expect jones to give that guy any attention, plus Toprak posted immediately after it.

toprak would never post in that manner but i agree he's more likely to give that type of attention to jdance, since getting in the way of anyone else's smearing of another user is ENTIRELY out of jone's (and most others) playbook

god forbid people start throwing out the virtue signaling buzzword and everyone's masculinity is challenged and stripped from themselves.

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