Can't believe Jones hacked the NADota website.

Insom isn't wrong.
A lot of people came back here after Kyle and I banned all goy club members.
And a lot left after β– β– β–  let them back in.

BTW asoul was one of the people who insisted that we ban them all.
Not sure what happened to him since then.

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Name the people that left

Everyone who isn't here now.

I was a mod when the purge happened, and I remember that the user activity went way up after the purge.

And the number of posters fell off after β– β– β–  let them back.
He justified it by saying activity was up, but that was only because Jones was posting 50 shitposts a day.

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You can not link a single person to the goyclub returning

Contact and verify with a single person your claim and i will believe you. Until then it is cope

I think there were a couple different community changes on this website and kkat's story kinda blends them together

There was a time where goy club spamming (i think largely toprak) basically took over the site and people left because it was just a lot of garbage

Idr who was mod but it was like β– β– β–  and Rora not paying enough attention at that time I think. Site basically died

Then I started a minecraft server with me, Krazy, Kyle and the 3 of us revived the site off of that. Rora realized there was still value here and modded Krazy and Kyle (not me because I was still unfairly labeled unhinged at the time) with the explicit purpose of cleaning up the goy problem. It really was a problem at the time.

Site found its feet again and a lot of argumentative/unfriendly "serious" posters returned. This was the Trump/BLM/Covid era. Ewiz arguing with Hbotz in every thread, IAAFR actually posting, slowdive, insom, LBJ and Nyte gaslighting and flipping out at people. β– β– β–  modded some of these people, banned me, the site died again. People found it unpleasant.

Modern era is the Osiris era. Osiris bridged the gap with goys and showed us the way to coexist. They are mostly normal participants on the site by now - we have all known each other for like 10 years and understand each other's quirks. You could even say we are best buds. People who like to argue have taken a backseat and the intention of the site is to be a kind of friends hangout now. There is still a bit of nonsense because it is still remnants of NADota but things have mellowed a lot

I got kicked from the polish dota discord. I found soemthing that really fucks with polaks.

In the Polish national anthem the first words are Poland has not yet been lost and ive seen some vids recently of africans and other migrants acting a fool in poland. Well I stated looks like Poland is now lost. They MAAAAAAD

GG polska bro GG

Wrong thread. This is the history thread not current events thread

"Discovering the exploit"

JONES: I've changed my Steam name to <iframe> (fits in steam nickname) to let me render arbitrary HTML in the /d2g/ inhouse EPIK rating website. No one has ever done this in the history of DOTA.

NMAGANE & ROBERT: UHhhhh There's a Feature on The wong Shop that lets you put in text????

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Let's just agree it was extremely funny and this website should be changed to add more stuff like that

Don’t take it as support pls thanks

No no, we first embedded a youtube video before telling you about it.

Never happened.

Forrest is a good boy guck the haters

everyone (including me) wanted to be broodstar, he really is the most responsible for making shit posting "cool"

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really? didnt know that about asoul

that's based

grant was posting about how cool drunk driving was and how cool it was he got away with it

i told him to stfu etc, that he was wrong, he fired back etc.

i responded by saying a kid in my homeroom/hockeyteam during highschool died when he was 14, hit by a drunk driver

his response was like "i'm glad your friend is dead lmao" or something and i've never forgiven him

was not the least surprised at his fall

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