i tried to get broodstar permabanned off nadota to make things better by 1v1ing him for a permaban but the game never happened

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the irony is insane because i've lost 85 lbs ish in the last year and been hitting the gym hard

your ability to "read" me is so bad it's hysterical

i'm literally better than you at the only thing you're good at (losing weight and going to the gym)

how do you feel about that bro?

you've never in your life looked as good as I did at 175 lbs, suck my dick idiot lmao

at the current rate of weight loss i'll get back to 175 in about another year. can mog the shit out of you then if you like

how about in 6 months we both post shirtless photos of ourselves jdance?

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it's projection with this guy, always

he sees traits in himself that he hates in me, and it triggers the fuck out of him

literally weighed in this morning (264.4 lbs)

like brother if I lose "the extra 200 lbs I'm holding" i will die of starvation lol

also the idea that i'm scared to show what I look like when I stream with cam all the time... lol

you're a funny guy bro

are you the reason my vods get so many views even though my stream gets like 0?

400 lb whale spotted

how are these two things mutually exclusive at all lmao? you're talking about my tone... saying that means the thing I was screaming about wasn't a feeling. ofc it was lmao. substance and tone... not the same thing brother

are you suggesting a person cannot scream like a baby ABOUT their feelings? wtf lol

nah, jones the troll managed to trigger upset insom, who was grieving. you just don't understand this area very well lmao, stick to math. stop trying to e-analyze me based on my feelings, you're not capable of it, you're always way off, it's cringe.

oh btw,. JONES managed to turn the thread into a toxic pile of sludge, which was very obviously his intention from the start if you just go back and read the thread in order. don't be obtuse on purpose for the sake of argument.

i already showed screenshots of this, don't make me repost them.

pointing out that I was indeed... sad that he died isn't narcissistic in any way you dumbass

and being sad as fuck that he died doesn't make me "emotionally unstable" you dumb caveman goon

by the time I started "lashing out" the thread was already well and truly ruined. jones wanted to ruin it, and he succeeded. I was one of the people trying to get him to shut the fuck up (or, since he wouldn't, get him muted/timebanned/anything) and keep the tone at least slightly respectful and you know.. appropriate for the moment.

like, a super reasonable position that plenty of people held at the time.

many people were telling him to stfu before he even triggered me.

Sure ill take this


aite. done

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Let's attempt to orient ourselves toward the true series of events.

This is the "beginning" of the trolling of the Osiris thread (bar the quickly deleted "did he take J&J or Moderna" post by Lemon).

Up to this point, I have not contributed to this thread -- I am content with letting you all decide whether Osiris' casket should be Radiant or Dire colorscheme'd; whether it's in bad taste put a Wraith King arcana in his digital tomb. My contribution is fucking Tennyson!

Let's get back to the trolling:

Hmm... is this Nyte advocating untasteful behavior in the OSIRIS HUMILIATED thread (I truly don't know - she has terrible writing skills)? At the very least, it's very obvious that there's a serious battle over what is "allowed" in this thread -- and it's not my doing!

It seems that you guys were frankly already falling apart -- you show your true colors: narcissistic idiocy!

Up to this point, I'm content to let this thread run its course: we're at 150 posts or so. Here's where I make my calculated decision:

I'll be frank -- most of you don't have the sophistication or cultural acumen to get anything out of a Western funeral. You're better off with a primitive DoTA bachanalia where you can relieve you death anxiety by driving out the bad spirit (that I was happy to play).


You can read the next three hundred posts if you want to see every other moron effusing about whether the cat should go back in the bag now that it's out.

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Let's see the posts I've made up to this point:

The aforementioned Tennyson.

A post about Gamut posting his insane "we're still in the pandemic" (rather than clot-shot) drivel in the "Osiris eternal memorial thread".

Same shit everyone else has posted.

Same shit everyone else has posted.

More "We're still in the Pandemic!!!"

nmaGane logs, who is outright gaslighting all of you and actually trolling the thread. Posting images of "Undying's Tombstone" and getting five likes on it because le funny gaslighting Egyptian man.

Nothing wrong with this.

If the Tombstone is cute, so is this!

This is pretty tame and it's nothing compared to the "discussion" you guys are trying to have about whether it's OK to talk about Osiris committing suicide or whatever -- that's insane.

So it's rather obvious that @insom came into this thread with some preconceived notion to make it about himself and some battle with me -- there's posts of him posting his CSGO stream with like "thinking about Osiris".


Fact check: there's only one like on this post and it's from Toprak/you

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