Its better than having a pretend office job.. good luck when the idf or housillini launches an emp and your job is instantly worthless over night... at least i have a translatable skill

Yeah, when the Day Of The Rope comes and we're all battling in a struggle for survival in the Great American Race War I'll at least be able to capture sustainable employment.

I don't know about you but I am going to chimp the fuck out.

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Not even that.. at least i can navigate and know where the nearest water sources are.. meanwhile div will be trying to doordash water and his ibs medication until he eventually dries out like a flower and dies

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There is nothing worthless about my skills in any possible future outcome. I know how to operate a slide rule and abacus. I am prepared for anything.

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Your skills are turbo useless.

Let me guess, you have allergies and cant be around fresh cut grass or your entire body swells up?

It's going to be tough when manufacturing for my allergy medication comes to a halt. But we keep on pushing

All hezbollah has to do to defeat you in combat is landscape

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I am about to chimp.

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You never see black people with allergies




There are like four blacks in a 25 mile radius here

This is what you want.

This is what you awnt.

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No offense but any words that are stored in a pdf are ultimately useless for the rapture

That's why you buy hardcovers of The R Book and Mathematical Statistics with Applications? They're sitting safe and sound in a radiation-proof enclosure in my storage unit.

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