You had 5 melee heroes against timber, ursa, viper and your stuns were all ults with 2-minute cooldowns

It was a miracle that you ever won any teamfights

Maybe it was winnable at the end by just ignoring/kiting timber and farming the other heroes until you can contest him but I think morale was damaged by the shielding creeps incident

No the first incident of moral damage was nmaGane brewmaster ulting and chasing an unkillable viper with 13~ armor rather than the skywrath mage.

Let me play 1. In return I will ban 1 person of your choice from the website


Thanks to channel moderator nmagane for making the chat experience great


In case you didnt know, flexing your moderator powers as a joke isnt funny and is actually against the moderator rules


Are tuning in for todays stream?

No it is time to give my brain a rest


Watching the Shadow Demon game now. Will let you guys know my thoughts

During a fight at the radiants ancient camp, you will notice him targeting creeps in the heat of battle

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number of enemies saved with disruption: zero

Not true

From my count, you saved 2

I definitely saw at least one disruption which was referred to as a "JCrispy Disruption" during the laning phase

shame that soulcatcher isnt a spell anymore it was hilarious watching people blow up instantly


When i distrupt an enemy while chris is about ult that same enemy (a solo support) it is now called a jcrispy disruption, when in reality it was a bad chris ult

watching faceless void chasing skywraths and crystal maidens around while his team gets their buttholes impacted is great content

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Maybe sheepsticked will review the replay

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