NaMafia Official Artifact Tournament (12/2 - 8:00PM)

Yeah when I was inviting people who were on and playing it said it couldn’t be sent because they don’t own the game.

I grifted Artifact off some IRC guy who used to jerk off to me btw.

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I tried to rehost the tournament.

I also invited everyone I have on my friendslist manually

People that dont buy me artifact are afraid of losing to me

I’m eating, will join soon

Nice, what ircs do u frequent?

Winner gets a sick badge btw

The blue/black premade for Call to Arms is so fun to play.

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Save me a spot.

Games are too easy vs agubar

i will be banning cheat death in the official artifact tournament be warned

holy fuck again

what a night it must have been for ethan jones posts

What does my avatar say @sdadasdas

(feel free to do all previous avatars as well)

Also For The Record

This needs to not be 8pm

Do like 730 and consider that people never show up early to an event but often show up late

Draft + single elim bracket Wednesday: took about 2 and a half hours all told

Tonight: Could be faster but more people = higher chance of having delays and every additional round is like minimum +30 minutes

I was thinking about this because I was realizing BO3s will be like a 5+ hr thing (maybe it has to run over multiple days which will never work with these people) as the tournament gets large we get some serious time requirements

im actually so good i have only lost to coinflips initiatede by the enemy player

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i have never seen a chinese player run cheat death, they are truly honorable(unlike klaze who fits it into every deck he plays)

currently a packs ev is 2.50 but its cost is 2.00 get in on this now axe is the next bitcoin
