Need self help book recommendations

Specifically tailored to getting your life on a steady track to success

It’s only been a day and a half without social interaction but I already feel notably worse. I need to be around people

@old_electrowizard_acc help me

You already know the one

I read that one already it wasn’t super impactful

I know you aren’t a fan of music posting but what does this song mean for you

It triggers panic and anxiety in me - a cross section of the fibers of reality ruining the mystery - knowing the ending - all potential gone - life limp.

  • Moby Dick
  • Записки изъ подполья

Sometimes I fantasize being born dumb or Black so I don’t need to think these existential thoughts

  • The Bible (won’t work if you’re stupid)
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If you don’t cackle unironically at this - I’m sorry but you’re depressed

twelve steps



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In an ideal world depression diagnosis are made by administering the kitty cat dance song and gauging the patients reponse

Here’s an online self help website you can read like a book and hopefully implement


I choose Life