Neverending Mafia Day 1

Setup is 7 Vanilla Town with 1 Jester and 2 Mafia.


Thread unlocks in 5 hours at 8:30 CST

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Town here. Let's hunt scum and try to figure out who the jester is.
According to the setup, we can share a victory with the jester.
Maybe we can use this to our advantage.

@mafiabot vote @KrazyKat

all you jokers are jesters as far as im concerned

Never voting illemerdelui this game.

Hey all. Both excited and nervous to be joining you in another mafia adventure. Ready to stir the pot and have a blast.

I just can't believe the signup ended. Kind of feeling gaslit

Anyone want to claim something?

Vanilla town

I'm Jester

Absolutely unbelievable that this guy has the nerve to just host Plain Jane again after so much anticipation for the game.

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@mafiabot lynch ironstove

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
krazykat 1 Tywin
ironstove 1 Event_Horizon

Not Voting

LuckyArtist, ilmemmerdelui, Matticus, ironstove, Nyte, KrazyKat, Roragok, big_ass,

Alive Players - 10

Majority Vote - 6


Big if true.

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I've been breadcrumbing it all game, couldn't you tell?

this could be a hansel and gretel angle. don't remember what the bread crumbs did after the start, could be scary