Neverending Mafia - Day 2

In the night, @krazykat was killed.

kkat was Vanilla Town

Alive players:


Death Log

Day 1: Big Alightsoul - VT
Night 1: Krazykat - VT
Day 2: ?

@mafiabot startday 10313

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters

Not Voting

LuckyArtist, ilmemmerdelui, Matticus, ironstove, Event_Horizon, Nyte, Tywin, KrazyKat, Roragok, big_ass,

Alive Players - 10

Majority Vote - 6


@mafiabot lynch Ironstove

oh no...

Line em up boys.

Delete thread and remake.

1 Like

Yawn. nma stuck on repeat again

Retard. I was telling him to remake thread for the mafia bot day, it still says there are 10 players alive..


Found a bug with the bot recording kills properly. I'll eventually fix it, sorry

Alive players:


Also don't call me that. We're not friends.

What are we

I raped your father's father which makes me your great grandfather.

my current vote will be cast towards memer delusional

There’s scum on the Tywin train and it ain’t me

@mafiabot vote @Matticus

Kkats only interactions are with stove and matty

That's kind of unfair since I'm the only other one on Tywin's train.

Also since when is he town-confirmed, especially since the KKat NK is clearly a troll.

Makes me think you're mafia with how fast and confidently you're just pushing votes, but you weren't the mastermind behind the NK I don't think.

If i was mafia and trolling i wouldnt kill kkat