new bitcoin miner hydro

Look at this new bitcoin miner, no noise.

I might actually be able to get some bachelor in downtown toronto with utilities incl. in condo fees for $500k and use those if they really dont make any noise. If it was the traditional stuff id need a separate room for that shit.


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Nvm u can only buy 100 at a time can't get singles

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Because you'd need a bunch of other shit lmao these aren't standalone

you need a separate water pump cooler thing with it. Some one will make one one day, but its okay. You can get the other antminer singles and just put them in mineral oil that usually kills thee sound

:pick: why don't you just do actual mining instead :pick:

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Cuz data ghey

■■■ why is :pick: so big

I'll fix it later

i like it

:pick: that's the sound of the men :pick:



:pick: How long can this go on :pick:
:pick: How long can this go on :pick: