New Numeta builds

or you coluld just get arcane boots and go guardian greaves for your team since you'll be running around with them the whole time, the mana / sustain should help a lot for your team to keep fightingh and killing 24/7

force staff seems like an alright stand alone time to get in/out of fights

bkb seems necessary

None of that is viable from a mid playstyle. As a mid you have to be able to engage, and be kind of in the center of aggro. Lens and all that might be good but since lens doesn't build into anything it's a bit lackluster.

Octarine is certainly good but as a last item surely.

Ok so the Witchblade DOT has been hotfixed.

Midas is my new build right now, working on reviving the armlet blademail build.

Made a big video for everything you need to know on Dazzle mid and offlane builds.


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Core offlane Dazzle - Rush Gleipnir > Bots > Agh Shard > Blink Dagger >Octarine > Arcane Blink > Aghanims > Satanic

Bad JuJu Allows you to press it and instantly blink away, removing the cooldown even if muted.Satanic loop lategame with max stacking Bad JuJu combined with Aghanim's auto attack on cast = infinite health/dmg.

SPam Blink Poison touch hex into Gleipnir roots repeatedly.

Mid Midas Build

Midas > Armlet > Blademail > Bots

Spam Bad juju and get massive amount of Midas casts and loop Blademail + Armlet toggle on Shallow Grave. Toggle Armlet on every bad juju past 5x stacks so you never die.

Offlane Core - Meteor Hammer >Bots

Spam towers with Meteor Hammer at 1/4th the cooldown rate and teleport around repeating so.

Offlane Power build Soulring > Witchblade > Phylactery

This build consist of very strong early game low cooldown items that are easily recharged with Bad JuJu. The ultimate aggro build. Dagon 5 after due to the fact that the spellvamp on Dagon 5 (15 sec cd) will give you supreme killing capability and sustain for Bad JuJu, on top of the very low cd of dagon 5 spamming through Bad JuJu CDR
Top tier Neutral items are Shovel > Vizeier Ring > Enchanted Quiver/Quickening Charm/Psychic headband > Timeless relic/SPell Prism

Shut up

Streaming Dazzle & Viper today

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im watching

Im not

our mid is afk jungle griefing gonna play apex til new game lmao


Ok so I've got the Druid new meta in diablo 4.

You arent smart or capable of doing anything at a high level

The people capable of dissecting that game did that weeks ago and already hit 100 several times. Youre some random level 70-80 pseudointellectual andy. Stop

Numeta gets some incredibly common legendary that buffs a skill, decides to make a build around it and calls it the new druid meta

Im sorry dude but there is no diversity in that game. The builds are homogenic and there isnt even room to be able to complete your own niche build

Your build creation capabilities are unfortunately limited by the fact that your mom smoked crack while she was pregnant with you

it’s true I went all in summoner necro on release and blew through the campaign game made it to like nightmare dungeon tier 10 before I just respec’d into an actual build and my dmg and clear speed went up by probably 100x

I’m pretty sure they designed this game with like 2-3 main builds for each character with very minor variations possible and anything else just doesn’t have the capability to reach dmg and clear speed required in late game

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The dungeons are very gay too, low density and pretty much the same

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