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Why did you delete my post it had 8 likes


Apply for lounge or post your feedback in the Complaints subcategory. To learn more about the section read the pinned post in it, and if you dont see "Complaints + Misc", dont fret! as a totally new user said category will show up in the "Site Info" section on the categories list/homepage when your account is considered eligible.

@SOPHIE so when is the stream sidebar gonna work again? smiley face

very low chance. im lodes busier than before, to the point where I didnt see this till now. It's not as simple as just fixing it, it needs so many updates to the point where I have to completely remake it and learn how to do so again as well. I think twitch also updated their API twice over which is an additional annoyance.

If anyone wants to play around in rails and emberjs and twitch api to build it im happy to help them get completely setup and pair/guide to completion, but I'm not gonna lead the devleopment on it

its okay dawg dont worry about it

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Stream your coding journey and fix the sidebar insom

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