New Years Resolutions

How are you coming along with your resolutions?

-Surgery/Rehab on my knee


-Get a place of my own

My knee isn't 100%, but progress is being made and I'm able to be more active than I was previously. I haven't done any yoga, but I've started some stretching so, I guess it's a step in the right direction. I don't have my own place yet, but I've been saving to be able to get my own place, so that's progress.

I didn't have any

Life is fine though

My midyear resolution is to be more active

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I actually did for awhile but I started slacking the last couple months :(

I'm down 20lbs from my peak weight in 2018. I've saved a good $1000 not drinking out so often. God bless!

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Like I said before:

Another year another dream.

I think 2024's Resolution can be described as "aggressive xenophobia".

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Try not to drink

Past few years I gave up a food. French fries, pizza, and chicken wings this year. I just want to make a more solid attempt to workout weekly this year.


Not chicken wings !

Giving up griefing mafia, wish me luck


It's been a rough year without chicken wings. Never again

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thats pretty sick actually

how can i help

what if we punished you for griefing...that owuld help...

no alcohol
exercise more and better
conceive a child
apply for grad school
read more books
finish elden ring


Electing Trump in 2024 and then executing Project 2025.

Let my gf know how much I love her more often.
And if it works out, who knows.


Start working out more.
Start an after school kendama program at my local schools.
Start an after school magic club at my local schools.
Read 4 novels in Japanese front to back, one for each season.
Dress better.
Play more guitar.

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