New Years Resolutions

With Christmas Over, It’s Time To Look Toward The New Year And Our Respective New Years Resolutions: Things We Hope To Accomplish. Myself?

  • Make My Name in the Field of Machine Learning

What About You?


I’m going to think about grad school


Finish 50 Euler project questions


Live life to its fullest - fulfill all my goals and dreams.

Be more mindful and grounded as my girlfriend (we) open(s) the relationship.

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Be nice to huber

There’s no place for Self deprecating humor on Christmas day.

Shut the fuck up alightsoul

I wanna get somewhere careerwise

Everything else kinda whatever

gunna try and get a gym habit

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I wanna fix my sleeping schedule.

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-Surgery/Rehab on my knee


-Get a place of my own

  • make fun of friend and amerrichi

I want to find a job that does not suck the life out of me. Fuck my job.

And treat my friends and family better because I have a better job.

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  1. Rent an office (~250 per month)
  2. Finish Khan Academy math sections.
  3. Spend time with people on my day off once per week.
  4. Finish my cut and start a bulk.

I want to rent an office and get a secretary

Get a girl out of hs and confine her to a desk answering crank calls and watch her gain 200lbs

Consume less. I make 2 salads out of one bag of lettuce. Tryna make that 3. Only drinking on days I have off.

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I think im gifting my last weed away. I want to get going again. Im just smoking and fooling around lately