@mafiabot vc
Vote Count
Lynch | Votes | Voters |
insom | 4 | kat, Kischie, bazingaboy, jdance |
kat | 1 | SOPHIE |
bazingaboy | 1 | ian |
Not Voting
insom, kyle, KrazyKat,
Alive Players - 9
Majority Vote - 5
Vote Count
Lynch | Votes | Voters |
insom | 2 | kat, jdance |
bazingaboy | 2 | ian, Kischie |
kat | 1 | SOPHIE |
Not Voting
insom, kyle, bazingaboy, KrazyKat,
Alive Players - 9
Majority Vote - 5
Kat is town
if it's not insom it's ian (he's voting me)
I'm an agent if kaos and will only be voting players starting with the letter k tokay
reminder kat was online all night last night and ghosted the entire thread after I sussed him
he's such an obvious vote here lol
is insom a dirty player doing whatever it takes to win?
first hashes now angleshooting online status, what's next? getting moderator status and checking role PMs like Nyte and ■■■?
his first post in the thread
his second post, 100 posts later
literally not one mention of kitsche, his only other vaguely related to the game post that wasn't about me was this
making me strongly believe in an ian + kat world
regardless, his disappearing act last night is very suspicious
like he sits back watches the entire chaos of early day 1 unfold and his only contribution or thought is "i wanna lynch this code posting bitch"
seems very 'scum play hiding behind a thin veil of humour' to me
the good thing about lynching bazinga is we have a lot of data on everyone who has been voting him and pushing votes on him if he flips town and it gives us something going into d2