you're not accustomed to existing as a human being in the 21st century so ill elaborate. yes

I have higher level brain functioning and you dont hahaha

No: you're doing something I slept through and then posting about it on this forum like it's a big deal and I'm supposed to be interested in it.

You're FLAMING me. Do something INTERESTING.

it’s amazing that what I do is so incomprehensible to you that you think I work some 9-5 job filing medical claims all day

you doing rocket science or something?

itt yns and jones projecting about enjoying existing

I have never ever put forth any idea that I enjoy anything whatsoever.

Gotta sleep i have lab tomorrow have fun boys

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You're projecting.

to Jdance it probably is, right now I’m just replaying grand theft auto 4 on pc

thank god

yea that's part of your mystique or charisma

enjoyment is for normees

working jobs and going to school is for normies, I do neither

The only thing I want is for the most powerful institutions of the land to admit that black people are animals. The deportation of Mexicans.

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yea i pegged you as a leech a long time ago no worries

I want to be ruled by race science.

There's nothing else to attain in the world for me. There's nothing else I want.

I own businesses and actually do/create things you moron