I have a real job and I truly doubt that he has a real job.
you work for the state of Israel with the explicit goal of killing as many innocent Muslims and white people as possible
basically you work for ZOG
i don't dumbass level up your wisdom score
fucking ■■■■■■
are you not a government contractor
you’re literally working for the state of Israel and the ZOG
no he just has protected class status so will always be able to receive a handout.
no i im contracted out for the big 3 ordering pallets basically
Is he black/Jewish or a tranny? Or all three?
Like pallets of wood?
yea like the stuff you put stuff on top of
I've groveled to veterans before to please own 51% of my company so I would have a shot at getting an SBIR grant.
you're incredibly small minded
You're incredibly small minded if you don't think this is how the game is played.
I hear about about fake companies getting put together because some dumbass contractor forgot they signed up for SBA handouts in their own contract.
so you order pallets for the state of Israel which they use to support their logistics in killing innocent middle easterners or what is the big 3? You work for Walmart target and Kroger or something?
im also a ■■■■■■ according to some northern italians if you prescribed to to being a ■■■■■■
A nig ger? Or a re tard?