@numeta @offenseoftheancients

also ti prize pool went crazy

I don't think the player base is growing, just same ppl coming back for battlepass and some newcomers for DotA chess, and the people who have always been playing are getting more disposable income or something

think it's not like accelerating to death but it's not gonna actually get enough to players to prevent it from its continued really slow death

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yes and soon old players will be visiting less and less.

park the car then we start rhymin ya bish

I started to play again after 2 year break.

Pass adds more fun and something to do

Tried a few games

Turns out no boots global tp max NP still works

My teammates voted me MVP in this game

When it works it just works

I want to thank gabe newell for putting this feature in the game so I will have something to do that's actually fun (argue about who gets mvp after the game)

Mvp was a good idea, but there's a bug in it that prevents you from voting for yourself


I had just been posting in the chat and letting my teammates know that, if I could, I would've voted for myself

At times starting as early as 5mins into the game

my only complaint is theres no reason to vote for supports

agree w this except i think theres a lot more newcomers playing autochess covering up the vets that left. we'll just have to wait until the autochess client comes out to talk shit about dota 2's numbers

I vote for supports a lot

Maybe you just arent paying attention to impactful and intelligent support play

i play mostly support and no ones really noticing besides the enemy supports. its probably because im unimpactful though. i die way too fast in fights

I don't know about now, but I always thought support is by far the most difficult position to play

not really anymore, I played 3/4/5 when I was playing recently and you just basically run at people constantly

its easy starting out but its hardd to figure out what to do at 20 minutes when you have the whole map warded and your 4 carries keep getting dunked on under tower vision

im just a turbo nub now but to me theres more to do in the laning stage between rune control and helping your carry, and there's a lot of new ward spots. more ways to get deleted i guess. carrying still seems the same, maybe even easier now that theres a whole nother jungle to farm