<20:11:43 > "dan": alright make fun of me for being unemployed

<20:11:45> "Nmagane": ok

I’ve edited the OP to have a list of shitty things that I know for a fact alightsoul has done.

I’m going to bed. Feel free to write up conspiracy yarns ITT.

I’m not going to bed. I’m almost done with homework though, then I will be chiefing the blunt and sitting down with a book shortly after.

That's fake, you can check the Teamspeak Client ID's and it would show that "■■■" and I have the same ID which means that jones edited the chatlog.

that’s a known bug.

You’re a known bug.

Sorry that was a joke

For the record, both @SOPHIE and @big_ass used the “With GF” alibi - in this very thread.
Not very creative! On a wednesday night too? Certainly both lying.

I’ve never been one to get gay for a pen but I’ve been a big fan of this black 07 Pilot Frixion Clicker lately. It really erases!

@SOPHIE How would you even have a GF if you’re unemployed? Surely she doesn’t think that you’re making money off of this site, right?

Though I tend to use a 0.5 of the same type when I’m doing math.

@SOPHIE ADMITTED that he was bisexual too - Hahaha, of course - yes @SOPHIE, you’re out with your imaginary GF.

I’m not clicking that, it’s not for me

It’s a phishing link; moreover it’s victim blaming.

When did I last antogonize him? Probably my 2nd or 3rd post back on the forum. I’ve been fine with him lately

Oh, interesting.

I can’t talk to you right now. I’m so angry.

Would a Bisexual Man have a girlfriend?