This message is for Wintermute and Deepthroat (resolving the issue)

Please listen to my message. I think you’ll know what to do after.

@big_ass @old_electrowizard_acc

if u want to talk in discord I’m here for you

If u’d rather continue spewing shit all over the forum (among people whom you should know are only in it to manipulate you and embiggen all this shit for their own entertainment) that’s your choice too

Just know that i’ve known everything about you for a long time and no matter what you do I’m never sharing any of that information anywhere

There is not a god damn chance in hell embiggen is a word. You’re pissing me off even more with your made up words

This is a lie. You shared @SOPHIE’s information and mine, nobody believes you.


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The people in the car next to me in the parking lot are still frequently looking at me. Thanks for making me look like a fool.

Are you living in your car in the parking lot?

I get to the gym and sit in the parking lot for about an hour before I go in. I don’t know why I do this

“Get to the Gym”? Is that the black way of saying it?

I was going to say go to the gym, but I had to use ‘go’ again the second half of the sentence so I changed my first ‘go’ to ‘get’. But you’re right - it seems odd.

Then why the fuck are you looking at my linkedin in the first place?

Instead of avoiding repetition, just switch it up and separate your sentence into pentameter! !!!

Is having had sex a requirement to understand this message because I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about