Official Best Poster Thread

Please explain how my originality or lack thereof is apropros to my body fat percentage you legitimate fucking retard

They share a common motif of life failings and misfortunes that you have racked up about four of whilst trying to make a point against me.

Reading conversations like these usually ends up being the happiest parts of my days. Not sure how to feel about that

im marrying a rly hot girl who pays all my bills though

Your parents generational household spent on average watching six hours of television a day. This is a lot more engaging compared–

As I said - full blown Ashkenazi

A girl paying your bills would be admirable if you were casual sexual partners. Marrying someone like that suggests marrying someone with poor judgement.

in the best way possible


I don’t doubt or disbelieve it yet also deride no envy or jealousy from it.

im not trying to make u jealous benny

I know: you were rebuting my statement about life failings and misfortunes.

That’s a sandman


It would be a strawman of such if there were a legitimate thesis you proposed with engaging in discussion with me. By failing to articulate real points it led to a stream of consciousness discussion of sorts therefor me stating my lack of emotion was not a strawman but an addition to what was loosely defined if at all a topic.

im just rly content with where im at in life ive been working towards this for a while and i don’t appreciate ur inferences to the opposite.

You should of applied that empathetic quality onto me as you inflected your own insults (prior to mine) leading me to retaliate with raised stakes.

Does this imply possibility of a hard stream of consciousness? The way you worded this seems to affiliate the idea of consciousness with an abstract sense of ideas - whereas truth is obviously not abstract, it is real and can be quantified. Does that mean truth is not to be widdled with consciousnesses? How we do deal with the inevitability of the subjectivity of the mind muddling with what we perceive to be as truth?

At least we cna both admit that with the stakes raised I was right and u were wrong

No as I don’t attribute personal success to marrying a sub-optimal partner and given your previous ironic statements have reason to believe you’re being ingenuine with your self-praise. Whilst my statements were entirely true and you failed to find real fault in any.