he'll be back when he's back. i'd rather the game start with 1 afk player for day 1 (half the players will be afk regardless) than the game not start.

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Ty ■■■■■■

Damn can't believe that's censored


@mafiabot slist

Signed Players




oh that's cool, i see how it is @SOPHIE

We all knew epok would ruin the game. Before it even started.

SIgn yourself you frickin goon im not gonna scan and notice "add player posts" especially when its on a forum that is regularly trolling me

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Please answer the poll and we will sneak Nyte into the game later

To fit nyte into 9 player 9:12 Mafia, what should I do
  • 7v3, 3rd mafia goon
  • 8v2, but 2nd mafia goon is now a random mafia PR
  • 3rd option (Post below)
0 voters

I can just do some other setup and resend PMs but thats annoying for players and were gonna run the osiris setup gdi

you're not resending PMs? so are we voting whether or not nyte is going to be mafia?

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Sub me for Nyte

I won't be playing, prefer a sub out

considering it takes x time to actually host and i vaguely remember there being a bot issue (did u not say the bot was asleep?) that is why i did not find it an urgent matter to sign into the bot, and i thought it was known that i was interested in playing since the activity on this site is rather low

you dont' have to change anything to run the game for me
you are hosting

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nah i want to be inclusive and can sub you for Big_ass if thats waht you both want

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there was a bot issue but its my fault for not scannin the thread

No it's Nyte's fault for being ■■■■■■■■

If you dont sign up on the bot properly of course your name is not going to be on the list

But we love our ■■■■■■■■ users and want them to live happy lives so we will do our best to accommodate

you're just a giant ass(big_ass) baby who has no actual empathy for anyone outside of whatever persona you want to imagine you have (that "isn't real"/it doesn't have empathy)

someone with any sensibility would recognize the validity in not needing to sign the bot immediately when there's a reported issue with it, as well as the fact that this site generally travels at the speed of a snail and struggles to maintain activity - furthermore, it's completely reasonable to assume that someone checking in once a day is enough to keep tabs on mafia games that happen once every other month (maybe!)

the fact was, this game "launched" overnight when there was not even a decision made about what kind of game to play, i was monitoring the topic because i was, in fact, interested in playing if the game were ever to happen

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this guy signed without using the bot but @SOPHIE immediately added him because theyre on discord together.
It's a clear cut case of intentional and malicious manipulation by dan epok.