Official Trump Verdict Thread


I've created an NAMafia minority interest group to track political sentiment among the site's colored members. Entry to the group is by self-identification but please PM a photo of your cock for verification (or clarification, if you are unsure) to LBJ, the site's newly-reinstated Minority Interest Czar.

Once you have done so, please vote in this poll (which is locked down to members of this ethnic group only).

NAMafia Ethnically Diverse Support for DJT
  • Support
  • Do not support
  • No preference
0 voters

lol look at this guy

On second thought, I am appointing Dondi Fontaine Houwk, the website's local race expert, as Owner of the group. Please identify and add all of the site's racially diverse members.

has a heart attack from being so old and eating so many Hamberders.

Never forget nor forgive the christian right for the peril they've put America in by nominating this traitorous clown three times

From putting our country's nuclear secrets and other highly classified assets in jeopardy to boost his ego among his dinner guests if not outright selling them to our adversaries, to being the first US President to fuck up the peaceful transition of power in his violent attempted coup along with his fake electors scheme to steal the election.

Now a convicted felon with very likely more felony convictions in the pipeline and yet evangelicals are still his largest and most loyal voting bloc at 80% in recent polls. They are willing to put this criminal sociopath in a position of power with the ability to destroy the civilized world several times over all because of their culture war bullshit and bigotry based on bronze age mythology they live by in the 21st century. If there ever comes a day that they face real persecution in this country like they fantasize about, I'm not shedding any fucking tears for them, putting aside the broader ramifications of where we'd be at that point.

These are people whose belief in literal "demonic forces" is a major factor in their voting decisions. Please get raptured already, or barring that, get fucked.


4h ago

Trump is the sick orange cherry on top of the ice-cream sunday of depravities we've seen from the churches for centuries. Trump fits perfectly with the pedophiles and crazed psychopaths that run the churches. Organized religion is what is going to kill us all - including the animals and flora.

Hail all tardigrades, they may be left when the Anthropocene ends.

Bro what’re you typing

Are you a fuckin nut job

Get a life dude.

You’re telling ME to get a life are u fuckin serious rn

You're posting in the "Official Trump Verdict Thread" at 2AM on a solo cruise; had to hit up the 24 hour soft serve ice cream machine tubby?

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?? I just ate pizza after dancing the night away and now I’m watching rick and Morty


Getting high and playing video games is the best

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Yeah okay he is 100% acting his race now guys

We used to have a presidential assassination every 20 years or so. It skipped over bush ii but here we are now…

Was quoting Rick and Morty dummy

Excuse me?