What was he thinking about when he made this thread
Nice post
what DID he mean by this
The implication is quite obvious
This thread sucks wheres the next Epok is a buffoon or whatever showcase you have coming up
Good creative writing can’t be rushed
Feigning positivity that these are simply “creative comedy” threads about site ineptitude and not a critical analysis. I forgive you - I for give you
i didnt laugh, dont think anyone else really did either dude. its alright though not all jokes get to be sidesplitters :)
I whole heartedly laughed in abundance at this post
Sure you did.
Did you even read my post? I was saying my last few threads about you have not been for comedy’s purpose. You not laughing is precisely the point: I whole-heartedly would not expect you to laugh.
This thread is just a little jab at mafia griefers.
I only read posts if they’re in picturebook page format.
U guys are gay and having some gay lovers quarrel
What changes would you make to the mafia subforum to make it more optimal benny
Really makes you think