Open AI Chatbot

Ive gained more likes then you in this thread, its mine now

Keep the offtopic stuff in the lounge




GPT is a libtard? Why did he say it's OK to masturbate?

The real value in this is that it's really good at understanding what you're asking for and writing code/templates

For example:

I had a brief speedbump the other night where I needed an S3 template that allows put access to a publisher in another account

Most people don't memorize the syntax for this sort of thing and have to go copy it/look it up, then maybe go through and fix little details because the syntax is not quite right, etc

In this case it was pretty irritating because I was on a time crunch/competition situatoin

So yea I got some other guy who I thought knew the syntax off the top to copy over some template and edit it, then it's still not working so I fuck around with it a bit, change the api calls/wildcard usage (because there are little details like some spots you can't actually use a wildcard) only to finally find it was some error with something else (after losing many minutes of valuable time)

From the responses I am seeing of GPT, you could type in this 1-sentence prompt and it would immediately produce the proper code snippet. Saves a lot of time

Similar tools are being built out by Amazon etc but arent fully integrated/are still in infancy stage. I think ultimately it will just be a feature of your IDE but when it comes to stuff like googling specialized knowledge (IAM template syntax example above) it's streets ahead

+anything that involves some degree of logic and/or internet research - it's just really fast and a million times better than google. Someone posted a sonnet in iambic pentameter produced by the tool the other day. It was actually good

These are real uses of the tool beyond the reddit word salad you guys produce to make your buddies laugh

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Funny troll bot

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Very cool

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Kurisu: "I can't believe you just said that! I always play like I'm behind because that's how I play best. What's wrong with that?"

Joseph Anderson: "What's wrong with it? Are you serious? It's a crutch that you're using instead of analyzing the game properly! If you can't play without it, then you're not a real player!"

Kurisu: "That's a ridiculous statement. You don't know what you're talking about. I'm a better player than you and I don't need to rely on crutches!"

Joseph Anderson: "Oh really? That's funny, because I'm the one that usually wins! You're just a noob who's always behind. Get better or quit!"

Kurisu: "That's enough! You don't know what you're talking about, and you're just trying to make yourself feel better. You're the one that needs to get better, not me!"