OpenAI game.

what happens if you spam tide ult in hopes that they’ll waste hex on it

here’s a legendary nmagane kaptenrobert strategy:

pick axe and riki, smoke mid in to enemy jungle
pull mid lane and top lane with axe and have riki pull bottom lane
have axe clear all the creeps

if you cant do it with riki then pick a ranged hero with boots

give wd levels early so he can stop the openai retard pushes with his q spell ravage

build bracers on razor…

bots + regen item on tide and steal their creeps whenever they try to fag you

If I were you I’d lend my account to big benny…

who do you know thats giving u access to the bots?

Pull the offlane creeps in the lane that they’re aggro trilaning and try to connect to ur mid hero and just dual lane mid

my friend keeps asking me to play vs the openai with him but i havent played dota seriously in a while so i feel like ill just feed so i keep turning him down. maybe next time i will and ill post some results here.

Just play to make them waste time - figure out what you can do that fucks with their dumb little robot heads. If that’s hitting a creep wave right after it spawns and running 5 feet before tping then do it. Just figure out what makes them tp or run at you like apes so you make space

From my experiences abusing bots in other moba games they’ll probably chase heroes down that are low health to guarantee kills. Maybe drafting to bait that, building items that will help with baiting (Mek, mobility, eth, idk). Then it would come down to just making yourself visible with low health around the map, they’ll probably just immediately begin rotating if they can kill you.

Good idea, they had stuff like stick and fairy fire banned originally.

Unfortunately I suspect the bots are developed enough by now that the cheesy stuff has been solved for

But it’s certain you can’t win on mechanics or teamfighting so you have to come up with something they haven’t seen

When do you play the bot Klaze

With the amount of games these bots have played I’m sure they’ve seen each other do just about every combination of items+ability usage and just about every form of strange behavior. I feel the best way to win is going to be spamming lotus orbs and bkbs or blademails and just try and punish them for using so many magical nukes

Blink+bkb on every hero

All the items are pre set by that one guys hero guides. So you probably can surprise them with odd items

If you beat them they will learn and if they will learn they are more able to take over the world. Throw the game intentionally or risk robot world domination.