
I got baited as fuck checking that on android

I hope it exists tjis looks fun

Dude my computer updated while i was takign over to the universe while i was asleep to build paperclips IM SO FUCKING MAD

we were doing so well

I had a boss who was addicted to the cookie clicker game and was hellbent on figuring out some way to port the session since he was basically refusing to close his browser and felt like just cheating wouldnt be the same. It got to the point where he was seemed to be seriously considering some way to switch tje power supply of his work computer to something portable without the computer power cycling so he could drive it home as quick and as carefully as he could. Never got to hear if he ever gave up on it or found a better solution

this shit hurts my fingers

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playing carry for ur team hurt my fingers i farmed SO HARD

i wonder if u can find actual games of us playing team matchmaking/cups together from way back then

Run it on a home computer and remote in

Problem solved.

Danā€™s boss is a RETARD!


I was really addicted to this game until the space exploration phase and then it just fizzles so hard.

I have nothing to do besides spam drone production.

wtf if I open another tab the game pauses?


you played offlane

i picked you a lot of doom and dark seer, cant find any replays though

I played carry for at least 2 weeks, either because our carry sucked too much and we needed to trade, or a person we had picked up (the team changed quite a bit this early on) couldnā€™t play carry or some shit, so I had to. But I do remember I mainly played off for the team (and started as supp)