Phantoms: Day 2

This is bad. Who gives up on day two?

A person who gets banned from MU presumably

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
fuckmafiauniverse 2 wolfy, epok
krazykat 2 Roragok, bazingaboy
epok 1 Jenanda_Bollywood
roragok 2 KrazyKat, PassionForTrains

Not Voting

Friend, Nyte, fuckmafiauniverse, Rildom, murs,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


fmu is an easy push for scum since he said he gave up and rq over wolfys spergasms

i don't think fmu is scum

i want him to explain his fakeclaim. i dont think we massclaim d2 like he suggested either. also if youre instigating a massclaim you dont open with a fakeclaim right?

could be scum, could be a total idiot

no clue

@mafiabot lynch epok

He could be phantom

Fmu if you put your vote on epok I will vote on whomever you request me to vote tomorrow

why are you so dumb dude

i could see murs fmu and like PFT? Assuming kkat and rora are just weird town

This game has me really confused. I'm trying to look for factions, but not having a lot of luck. This could mean that scum are bussing their partners or or trying to pocket town players. Or maybe town are just dumb.

I'll post my reads in a bit..

fuck it i'm more confident in bazinga than epok

@mafiabot lynch bazingaboy

lynch bazinga or you are scum

My reads.

Wolfy. His 100% reads bother me (nothing is known 100% unless you're mafia.)
FMU. His dumb claim and his fatalistic attitude.
Jenanda. He is tunneling epok and not posting other reads.
Roragok. His arguments are lame and he doesn't seem to be trying.
Epok. It seems to me that he is trying too hard to finger the wrong people.

Murs. He seems to be hunting scum.
Friend. Same reason.
Nyte. I could be wrong, but her scum list is very close to mine.

The rest could go either way. I have town and scum tells on everyone :(

< 12h remaining in D2.

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
fuckmafiauniverse 2 wolfy, epok
krazykat 2 Roragok, bazingaboy
epok 1 Jenanda_Bollywood
bazingaboy 1 murs
roragok 2 KrazyKat, PassionForTrains

Not Voting

Friend, Nyte, fuckmafiauniverse, Rildom,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


I guess no one plays when I do. I will be back for the end of day tomorrow afternoon.