Phantoms: Day 3


i gave the gun to benny

This is the current understanding if you have not read the thread at all.

so you real claimed gunsmith?

Yes I am the gunsmith - a two shot gunsmith.

me and benny and roragok are all town pls stahp :sob:

And I still find it unlikely that there are two town prodigy's

we had two gunsmiths and a progidy?

One gunsmith and two prodigy claims

Two prodigies and a gunsmith

According to wofly

And all 3 are likely lying.


got it thanks.

roragok and wolfy being the prodigies being fairly confirmed as you and i both recieved a gun

explain how i got a gun then if they were surely the person who actually gave me a gun would counter claim by now

I think both are prodigy's - I just find it unlikely that both are town prodigy's

i need to read the setup more closes.

Obviously I am bordering into paranoid speculation now but I do not see Gamut making two town prodigy's especially out of a game setup with ten possible roles


guys pls :/

And Wolfy is 98% town to me. (He's obviously an exceptionally good player so he could be playing an exceptionally good Mafia but he's town to me).

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Very awkward wording on my part above -- repeated the town to me part twice in one run-on sentence, sorry anbout that.