Phantoms: Day 3

How do we know how many scum they have

Discussed earlier

if roles can be scum or not i feel like this could make things wors

say theres a scum doctor and he claims.
neither town shots are going to go on him now.

say mafia forces a 50/50 on a fake claim and we shoot the wrong one

maybe im overthinking it im just not entirely sold


There was already a scum doctor and he's dead

The fact of the matter is it forces scum into a position where they either have to make up a lie or claim a role and risk us puzzling out that it isn't a town-positioned role

Gonna be honest claiming in a closed setup is useless just vote nyte


Claiming in a closed setup forces scum to discuss shit that may be uncomfortable or unnatural for them

There's no point in voting Nyte right now anyways

Day doesn't end for another 17 hours even if majority is reached

Has ridlom even said anything.

I just got to the lake. I didn't get what I was wanted from kkat. I agree with wolfy tbh.

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Also I'll remove wintermutes API access so you can public.


@mafiabot lynch @Nyte

you already asked me my role like day 1 and i answered u then

Let me know what you want and I'll answer the best I can.

Unless day ends first.