Paint them yellow and blue

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Terrible design but whatever makes you happy

Even besides that if you're making pre workout to use you should feature something more masculine as your consumer base for this good is mostly male

its for weebs and the logo is specifically designed for LANS

You can put team logo banners up, but not websites. This is the work around to say fuck you to admins.

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3-4th today. Goal is to come 1st every time in this tourney. Got out drafted and they had a pos 5 terror blade vs that knocked us out GG

won 5 euro at least


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For about $5k usd I can get a team condo/apartment in Poland. 730 ft sq
maintenance fees are similar which is funny about $250usd a month for this. Couple years maintenance fees cost as much as the place loool


Stick a couple of those in there, have some desks with $1000 laptops for dotes and boom team house blyat

Bois I just got the bid in from some Venezuelans.

$100usd a month per player full time. Cuba $150.

Think we found the lowest bidders outside Africa ya'll


Plasma would absolutely own slaves

They will be paid like slaves but treated humanely.


PL dota win $11.50


Fuck me I'm so torn.

Venezuela s for $100usd a month full time. Rank 300 players. I would basically get into dpc. But I would have to start a new org and all.

Or Poland. More expensive and harder. But if I get into dpc I effectively double my chances for a major appearance.

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Another W in epulze + $11.50 Iunno polish guys growing on me. They doing better.

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This Polish soccer org just closed their DotA2 division, c'est bon for me. I figured it was going to happen sooner or later.

więc w tym temacie będziemy tutaj wygaszać, jeżeli chodzi o Dotę i FIFĘ
so in this topic we will be extinguishing here as far as Dota and FIFA are concerned


You should get Łomza to sponsor you

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Kek lomza. That's only dpc type territory or close to it

another W in Epulze today


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Another W yippee


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