#plasma cancelled by reddit

dang imagine a world where an organization has to have the capital to put a team together and assess risk vs rewards

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The lack of a response is whats made me not run away. I have my man who did dotes stuff for me when he was in Venezuela now in Peru building my first PEruvian squad as we speak.

Like eminem said "god sent me to piss the world off"

don't act surprised if you cant make money playing dota if you

barely know dota yourself
don't have stacks to blow
hire a fucking rando to recruit
care about how many many followers you have

i mean the fact that you are even willing to negotiate with players without talking to them first is a huge red flag that you're a piece of shit

okey mi amigo. 1 more time, try to comprende.

These non answers of attacking me instead of answering the question is what is giving me the energy to keep going.

Your personality is "I make people mad" as though that is a gift. But it really means you will die alone with your quails, and even those that appear closest to you without a doubt hate you behind your back. You are garbage.

had quail eggs for the first time last week. so smol

Plasma is my friend

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dude choosing Spanish as your third language was not a good choice.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

guy its like my 4th or 5th lol. Espaniol is by accident spent 2 years dealing with tards in peru using google translate using small sentences. IT kinda just happend by necessity.

Also I can read better. Throw a peruvian tournament advertisement at me, ill tell you whats up right away

Jaguers, Equipo

^ basic key words

Everyone has a gift. Mine is getting under peoples skin.

Also i got mental issues manic depressive. PRetty sure i went manic during pro leagues. Didnt catch it. Also autistic to a degree which makes me really not give a damn about peoples feelings to an extent.

I could sit there and cry abt my issues and pump myself full of prescription shit. Or use it to my benefit. Imma use it for my benefit.

Still no answer, why? Because Cheap South American labour is the lowest common denominator. Sure saying it might be bad in todays pussy culture. Its not wrong though :D

they are best straight from the quails bum when they are still warm and raw

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im in Canada so the british one applies.

Dispense of NA



they are okay starting out $5 per player a month

plasma is the Kanye West of dota

experiences bouts of mania and says crazy but true things :white_check_mark:
started from nothing turned it into something :white_check_mark:
A true visionary that revolutionized the scene he was in :white_check_mark:
Always moving forward never moving backwards :white_check_mark:

Plasma is literally Kanye West

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Both support trump :white_check_mark:
Both don’t take their meds :white_check_mark:
Can’t stop watching them like a train wreck in slow motion :white_check_mark:

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couldnt ahve said it any better

@yns @LuckyArtist @REFPSI @_jdance

BROOOOSKIES i just had a thought, CUBAN DOTA!


What i was paying is full time in Cuba and decent $ too. Holy shite