Plasma loses everything again

Yeah you could start a gofundme even and say you need funds to make up for what you lost after they cancelled you. Conservative weirdos donate to that shit like crazy.

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Ah just gonna keep going VitaPLUR with me and I've got a playoff Adv C's team now which is basically semi pro.

These freeshit sponsors cost more then they are worth getting in goodr cost me money then shipping it out cost money


Hahaha nah it's Gucci

Yup, good lessons lol.

It was cool having that wowbutter logo though

WTF the sponsors literally cost money. Spent money to ship out the Wowbutter

Damn the sponsor made you pay for shipping

Fuck wow butter that shit was soy butter anyways

Goodr costed me money in the end. Wowbutter is heavy so shipping it to players cost money. W.e

Yeah lol shipping costs import costs of goodr.

You shipped your players wowbutter? That’s sweet

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Bro just be a fuckjng wagie holy fuck

He has a job and spends his money on "esports". He's never made money from it.
You're somehow dumber than he is for not understanding this.

Yes i am saying he should be a wagie for life and not a failed entrepreneur

Hence "just"

Is english not your first language?


Thank you for being my friend


Congratulations on being lower IQ than Plasma.

At least Plasma has a childlike enjoyment and glee in his interests and hobbies, no matter how retarded and misplaced it is.


Really reaching with this one.