Plasma official best thread winner 2024

"thousands of years of history" "tens of millions of black inventions"

big if true

yeah your feed is full of deranged people just short of calling her the N word

it aint real life

fundraiaing record? annihilated

literally shit twitter memes is all you have left





Actually it's the opposite: the feed is full of people saying she's not the N word!

She's being attacked from both angles. As I'd expect from the detractors of a powerful woman.


I am not a Beyonce fan and was really hoping the Democrats would not use her. She is a very polarizing figure politically and has taken questionable political stances . I personally think other songs that are more universal and resonating could have been used that truly exemplifies what Kamala is trying to present.
Kamala is trying to win over voters particular the moderates, independents and conversatives. Therefore, she needs to be mindful of who she associates with her campaign. She should not have used Beyonce. However, I did like the ad and the message in the video overall.

My first thought seeing the ad. Beyonce is a polarizing figure, but you know Democrats know-it-all, and it's why we're in the hole we are in now. A lot of people still think Beyonce is anti police. The ad was good, but leave Beyonce in the background. Don't go any further.

The only freedom Kackling Kamala knows is her Indian people getting free from the British Empire. This woman doesn't give a damn about reparations but wants to use the song of an ADOS black woman. Black people keep falling for this symbolism instead of caring about the policies which is why this pathetic ad will work. I can already see black women cheering as soon as they heard this dumbass ad.

i think this song is so awful and cheesy lol. it just doesnt sound good sonically to me. the chorus just doesnt sound good to me but im happy to see her using a black artist music. this song would never give me chills

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The political debates on Lipstick Alley are way more cogent than what is put on here.

They have a CNN and MSNBC Nightly News discussion thread.

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OOOOO A BEY HIVE MEMBER IS MAD I'm just saying, it's awfully funny that she gives Kamala her song after her country music career flopped. She's pandering - She had walked away from you Blaque fans and tried to infiltrate white society by going country, but we told her to go back to where she belongs amongst the ratchet Blaque crowd and NOW SHE'S SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF A BLACK WOMAN WHO'S RUNNING FOR POTUS. I made my point unlike you. You're here speaking up for Beyonce as if she does ANYTHING FPR THE BLAQUE COMMUNITY other than promote lesbianism.

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"Vice president what did you buy at the record shop?"
"You know music? This is the National, Boxer. Have you heard this? You have to check it out -- One of the greatest records of all time."

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Lipstick Alley?

this isn't sarcasm. have you seen 16 year old tweets? no, of course not, you're not jdance

It's a way better Namafia for Black Women.

Yt people test well when it comes to sociopathy. These people already reveal who they are through the subject matter they publish and the stupid shis they say everday in politics and society. Conservatives and a good number of yt people have a sociopathic gene in themselves which makes them lack the empathy and ability not to see consequences to their arrogance. IQ is not really about intelligence it is about how psychopathic you are as a person. The people who tout high IQ so much are often the most dangerous and psychopathic people you do not want be around.

Feel free to make an account there and start posting so we can go back to quality analysis here

NAMafia should have a poster exchange program with Lipstick Alley. Maybe a 3 month rotating schedule

Our posters might learn the skills needed to navigate the "Sexism Thread" and integrate better into a forum moderated by Epok and LBJ

strange, the trump lovers are calling crooks a libtard. well, he shot trump - sounds like he's the real alpha in this situation - all they've done is suck his (trump's) dick.

the trump-loving-right probably needs to take a closer look at protecting gays rights, it turns out (to no ones surprise)

Complete nonsense.

ok sigma trash