Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Unfortunately I think many of our posters (including myself) would not qualify.

Insom, they have the perfect thread for you though:

LSA is just outright better than this website.

They are unfortunately a little more advanced than us on these topics. If I didnt know better I would assume these are trolls/roleplay posters

CNN's rightward turn is obvious to anyone who doesn't have on ■■■■■■ goggles, and I've mentioned it multiple times in the thread.

10% hoteps
10% black men who hate black women
40% black women professionals
20% ratchet whores
20% clarence thomas types.

This is actually an incredible thread

Under the guise of "we can't let racists get away with it" this lady has said:

  1. Anyone with a darker skin tone than me, I can call the n-word

  2. N-word is a behavior not a race

  3. I bully people by calling them the n-word repeatedly

Nobody here actually watches CNN.

I think we've just discovered an uncomfortable truth. The site is too busy now for Big_Ass to keep up with the prevailing narratives.


That's right. We need more moderators to look after the politics thread

Black people aren't really into coherent thought or writing, they're more into roleplay. And so all of that is not really supposed to be a cohesive mesh of thought, it's more of a sense a few vignettes that express a window into their world.

This poster is incredible. We need to get this person on our site immediately


I think nyte basically writes like that with a little more wit and way more snark/misery.

holy shit they compose their posts with google voice LMAO

nevermind that's incredible.


dude, go back to your regularly scheduled racism shit

this is fucking stupid

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I could have been dictating namafa posts. LMAO

No this is groundbreaking. This is the type of thing we need to be doing to save this site. Going out and getting posters like this to bring back here

Do you think they will accept the username "big_ass" on this website? I need to send some DMs

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The dictated namafia post will break the mold and usher in a new rhetorical golden age.

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sadly, it was actually quite obvious, as they wrote...

how did you not notice?

This Black Dudes Dictating His LSA Posts On His Bluetooth Headset In The Grocery Store

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