Plasma official best thread winner 2024

this person sounds more likable than almost anyone on this forum, i'll be honest. so you may have a point.


This person has a -1003 "reaction score"

Lifetime +491 1,055 -1,494

And 486,425 Allybux.

shrug it off, third rate sherlock


Apparently this person also has a thread called "pregnant with a black son but have a channel associated with divestment"

And another poster is claiming they were outed as trans

I'm trying very hard to make an account on this site but my preferred gmail is locking me out telling me to add a phone number (not happening)

They're now accusing each other of being trans

One of the people posted an image of a 60+ year old black woman on a couch in a blanket (herself?)

The other poster asked for another photo without a wig

Is this taking into consideration whatsoever that not all people with french nationality are those born in France?

I doubt he knows that it's illegal for the goverment to capture ethnic/racial statistics in France.

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Believe this is what I was saying

"Earliest debate in history" was a set up to force biden out

Already been covered. I suggest reviewing in their entirely of the previous 4149 posts.

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Really excited for the upcoming 4200th post

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i'm still waiting for the expert opinions (amongst the members of this forum) on unrecognized/black saps

i feel the individuals here could really crack the case wide open

not so sure about this one, captain

ah, does my knight need assistance?


said candidate sounds far less harmful thaN Trump

benny, are you an alien? or perhaps a cryptid?

you can just say the N word we all know it’s what you mean

this constant ‘DEI’ shit makes you guys look unbelievably bad

based democrat strategists picking a black woman so that trumps loudest and most deranged fans make all the somewhat normal ones uncomfortable and embarrassed to be associated

hehehe DEI blowjob woman!! this is totally good rhetoric guys keep it up

Do you even know any black people?

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