Plasma official best thread winner 2024

no, like people who speak russian as a first language who were born in russia and grew up in russia and were like in their 50s

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try again xd

Just to clarify would you know if they said a slur or not in russian

towards georgians no but they would explain and they didn't have anything negative to say about the country really or the people, other than theyre stupid sort of, but russians feel that way about ukranians too. they told me georgia is like a vacation country in russia more than anything

like people like to go to georgia on vacation and to travel

but even these georgian guides i talked to in georgia were not exactly trying to say the country is full of geniuses they just said it in a more polite way where doing shit like business/finance "smart people shit" is not exactly looked on as the best compared to being like a farmer, warrior, or like a wine maker shit like that

And you don't think there's any self selection involved? You don't think maybe the Russians less tolerant of Georgians aren't maybe not going there?

i went there 2 months after the war started and there were a shitton of russians there, like to the point georgian's were complaining about the influx of russians raising the rent in batumi and tblisi

like batumi had more russians than turks in it

i don't really know what your point is anymore, russians don't like georgian's or whatever?

the real question is are chechen's white? I would say no.

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if less than 3% of russians sneak into georgia during war time they can become the ethnic majority isn't that neat

i would suggest moving there while you still have a chance, its got a much better future than the united states currently

whens the last time youve been there because i wanted to move out there, i probably still would if i could

also this is because the country has a small population which is compounded by (relatively) massive immigration out of the country. also a majority of the population just moved into tblisi and some into batumi leaving the countryside full of just broken down villages that are mainly just older people. was a cool place regardless, shit was very cheap especially outside of tblisi, i wouldn't mind just moving into some village and living a neet life collecting US dollars and spending $500 a month on my living expenses

you're not absolved of your own actions


I had a low IQ(69~79), but I have the Win-rate 59.7% on invoker (43/72) & BH 63,5% (40/63) in 3KComplaint (self.DotA2)

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NA is burning economically and this is the best this ■■■ can do kekistan

economy is doing fine, the economy is financial markets not personal consumption. america is also in the strongest relative economic position in the entire western world. Crazy that shit sucks from a human perspective every single place with similar economic systems that incentivize the same behaviors from profiteers

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