Plasma official best thread winner 2024

With all due respect, it is extremely disconcerting to hear people talk about how they are struggling economically while having far and away more disposable income than the entite rest of the world.

People hear politicians talk about how the country is doing bad (its not by objective measures) and they fall for it. Some kind of desire or bias to be a victim for sure.

I dont think most people in america even know what "bad" financial times look like anymore

homelessness is booming ■■■■■■

probably pretty bad financial times for those people for real

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Go back to twitter economic analysis jdance. Paul Krugman-tier "ackshully the economy is doing great"

Twitter economic analysis would be saying that the economy is bad while owning a house, 2 cars and taking vacations.

Anyways ive noticed this forum is becoming lower IQ by the day and ive begun to realize that most of you are much dumber than ive given you credit for. Stepping away for the time being.

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The economy is Canada is NOT doing fine. One crane owner said he's gone from erecting 2 cranes a month to one every 2 months.

There is no money here, construction starts are at their lowest since 1990. Nobody has any money to spend

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People don't spend money on fucking CRANES they extend credit, which is currently at higher rates. The FINANCIAL system is doing fine regardless. Building and buying cranes are not financial markets. And if you specifically mean Canada, don't say NA. Things aren't different in USA either, that's not how these things are measured. Centrist and right wing economists don't give a shit about your personal spending power. It's all about financial markets, which they regard as a matter of national security. You being able to afford cranes, housing, or food, are of secondary concern. This is a natural consequence of profit-motivated actors being allowed to throw money endlessly at officials involved in both legislation and enforcement.

Economically strong shithole countries are not only possible under capitalism, they are inevitable.

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Donkey, people spend money on housing. There are more people coming in and we keep building less and less because no money

USA might be doing better unfortunately we've had a commie in power for 9 years everything is fucked. We need daddy trump to help us

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Donkey, scarce homes are rapidly appreciating assets. Do you know what financial markets are?

The only "commies" that could enable that sort of profit-seeking behavior are more aptly state-capitalists. Trudeau is not one of those. He's a neocon, just like everybody else you will ever have any reasonable chance of having as a PM

...................... Canada's economy internally is based on housing. Because its that stupid. There is no money.

Who the fuck do you know that owns a house and two cars that’s below the age of 40?

Ah, div is a tiktok communist, how fitting.

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Yeah I'm a communist for understanding the natural consequences of the economic incentives within different systems. Please, explain to me how I want things to be

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Put down tiktok and go get some money

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Maybe some pussy too if you weren’t so gay