Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Can anyone reach out and get the rest of the bottom quartile IQ posters on right now so I can deal with all of this at once instead of them trickling in

Does being a leftist really get you more pussy? Or is the pussy you get just raunchy unshaved armpits buzz cut on the sides, nose and lip piercing ass hoes

My IQ might be low but my money high

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Gonna tune into the next tiktok live “Debate a communist” that you host

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I hate to break this to you but it's literally not possible to have a low paying job with my credentials unless I completely exit my field

I hate to break this to you but 120k a year is broke nigg a status

IQ low but my pussy-q high

That’s pussy quotient, all my real nigg az know

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You must’ve thought the Fuck Bitches part of FBGM means you ignore bitches with the way you have no hoes

I tried to make a tiktok to see what it was all about but they locked my account from following any pages so I never got around to it. I think it's because right after making it I tried to follow a page for a Chinese manufacturing company that makes extruders and molds for sex toys

You don’t even need to follow anyone the algorithm just picks up on what you want to watch. I have a blank account that follows nobody and I just use it to leave racist comments

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I have a feeling the algorithm won't feed me this content without following the page

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It absolutely will, I get some wild ass shit with 50 likes on it that’s just some crackhead re tard screaming at the camera for 30 seconds

Just go to their profile on your account watch a few videos start to finish read the comments on a couple videos and watch as you get Chinese pussy ass machine videos

I think you underestimate how good the tiktok algorithm is at recommending you the most niche videos

It's the principle of the thing. Treating me like some common Chinese account boosting bot. I'm not welcome there.

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We work on a rotation actually. YNS's watch just ended and it's now my turn to log on this website and gangstalk you

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