Plasma official best thread winner 2024

The "Good Guys" within the government are called "White Hats" and have been attempting to wrestle control of the government from the Deep State via military arrests and executions.


That's great news.

Make sure you read some of the other RRN articles. More people should be talking about this stuff

There are 500 comments on that submarine article -- you should read them.

Michael Baxter is an American hero.

Post assassination there was a ton of talk by Roman Avatars about the "successor problem" so I was really not surprised when they picked Vance because he's the best (still bad) receiver of the Post-Trump political movement. And again, VP doesn't probably move the needle for Trump.

i wish she would say “yall need to walk tuah the polls and vote on that thang”

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you here a lot

how did you get so strong

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Thanks, gonna up my omega 3 by 4 times

Multivitamin overdose. There was a House episode about this.

It's not multivitamins, it's like 9 supplements + a multi vitamin and fish oil

i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer i have transcended from chapo to brat summer

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This is how the left memes

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Please read this entire article and think to yourself are these the types of people you want to align yourself with

Who cares

MY TEAM is going to win the election, YOUR TEAM is going to lose. It's that simple. You better start making your Georgia exit plan

If you have a team then it is only because they were forced to pick you last.

When my team wins we will deport you to california