Plasma official best thread winner 2024

no dude dont i need my spending money

We will build the wall around California and your spending money will pay for it

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I actually agree with this guy's "controversial comment"

it's basically just an incendiary twitter post, basic opinion shared in a controversial-sounding way for views

good lord

the only reason that could sense to him is because he's a theilite and believes you can engage in empire building from the white house. He was either lied to, or is delusional. Those days are over.

You guys hear about Biden trying to impose term limits?

Or guess I should say "Biden" trying to impose

thank you jo bidjen

I think it's probably directly unconstitutional (let's be honest presidential power has been increasing for at least half a century beyond what was constitutionally intended, letting the president propose and push through legislation to neuter one of his supposed "checks and balances" competitor branches of govt seems not in line with the intentions in the constitution)

However from the perspective of what is actually moral/best for the country, who knows. Maybe some of these guys shouldn't be there. Maybe that was supposed to be caught when they were sworn in, and congress needs to stick it out and learn its lesson

It definitely falls into the category of Dems repeatedly introducing authoritarian/power-centralizing political measures, which are horribly ill-advised, and then being shocked when their opponents use them themselves. Like what do you think is going to happen, once you've introduced the "supreme court justices can be removed for ethical breaches" bill, which is obviously just going to be used to remove justices you don't like, and then Trump wins the presidency? Or any other Republican president?

Should the Republican presidents since Roe have had the power to remove those justices for ethical breaches for essentially rewriting the constitution? To the Republican half of the country those justices were violating their judicial oaths.

In short, this generation of Democrats is, as always, profoundly stupid and incredibly illiberal. I wish them great failure and a great reset so we can get some decent people in there

there's originalist wiggle room the constitution only establishes a supreme court it doesn't dictate how it's ran or functions


it's pointless to describe it as illiberal because the opposition position is this is the solution a fundamentally illiberal institutional practice of lifetime appointments. effectively, a "no u"

not sure how democrats can be attacked for this when trump stuffed that shit with like 3 republican judges first and absolutely stacked the deck

He didn't stuff anything it fell to him by chance

I do agree his choices are pretty wack and I understand why people want some new laws so they can be removed lmao

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Really though if congress has balls to rewrite the constitution why don't they have balls to write federal abortion legislation?

If everyone wants this legislation why not just write it and pass it while you still have a Democratic president in office?

Why does "Biden" find the energy to introduce a bill to fuck around with SC terms but not to introduce a bill federally protecting abortion?

The simple answer is always the right answer. If he wanted to he would. What Dems want is to make the fight about the Supreme Court - to make voters feel like they lost something significant by letting Republicans win elections, to distract from the main issue by making everything about SC, and to never write any actual legislation. Never solve the problems, just use them as platforms to get elected. The longer they can make this Dem/Republican thing about abortion and not trannies chopping their dicks off and ruining women's sporting competitions, the longer they can keep winning elections without materially improving the day-to-day lives of americans or doing anything that could endanger corporate profits

Wake up sheeple

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Did he actually introduce a bill? I thought these were basically just suggestions and kind of a political stunt because Kamala came in and said she will pursue it if she wins the election?

Either way itā€™s just democrats crying because something isnā€™t going their way. Plenty of liberal victories in the Supreme Court since the 60s have shaped our culture and society now conservatives have a chance to dial back this insanity and they want to implement term limits

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175 billion for ukies yet 5 billion too much for USA wall. Imagine how beautiful that wall could have been for 100 billion

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Called one of the biggest construction companies in Toronto, I have one of owners phone numbers. Tried to poach them to come with us. Dude said they have only one project now. Next year it will be busy.

Wow next year gotta survive till then

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This is honestly funny.

Timeline of events:

  1. "Progressives" in places like NYC vote for open-border policies which inflict mass influx of migrants on border states
  2. Border states start shipping those people to NYC instead of letting coastal voters push for open border policies while bearing none of the brunt of their impact
  3. NYC experiences a "humanitarian crisis" (the crisis is just telling people they can come in the country for free and be given free shit, so too many people come)
  4. NYC residents, instead of reconsidering these policies, just want to talk about why shelters are in poor neighborhoods but not in rich ones (how is the government going to afford real estate in rich neighborhoods of NYC to house a bunch of migrants?)

Equity-based thinking is incompatible with reality.