Plasma official best thread winner 2024

I don’t even know what question you are asking plasma I’m just telling you nobody is trying to live around brown/black criminals

Look at how communities decay rapidly once the demographics switch.

white liberal democrats want to rule over the brown masses sure

White people: care about their community, try to do the right thing, can be trusted

Brownoids: steal shit, break shit, destroy shit, beat each other up, can’t have shit cuz they ruin everything nice anyone has ever tried to do for them

It’s a wonder white people don’t want to live around them

Wait I got 1 more
How is trumps ear already healed?
No scar no nothing?
How sway?

So when I said brown people don't want to control you, you replied that there are many brown politicians in the UK, implying that this is proof they want to control you. So if white people become politicians, they want to control brown people, right? Party is irrelevant except for when you want to run away from your dumb logic and start a new tangent.

For someone from the streets yns sure has no clue about how class works

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fuck I’m taking his posts as earnest

Ok bye

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he is earnest

You think they made up his shooting? Do you think there was a shooter at all?

White people dont try to be politicians in non white countries i dotn know what u want from me lol

he is earnest

Google banana republic

I’m in Montana rn around a whole bunch of white people and shit is pretty cash money out here despite it being a bunch of poor whites around. Take me to any place with a bunch of poor browns and shit is NOT cash money

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aka Canada

He can’t be earnest
Surely someone wouldn’t type with that much confidence about something they have no idea about

We are talking about here bud. The point is that brown people merely becoming politicians doesn't mean they want to control you anymore than it does when a white person does it. You're deranged.

I have about 19 years of experience growing up around poor brown people

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Aka actual South American countries suffering from decades of instability because white folk went to take over

Fuck, google the British fucking empire bro

are you looking for the angle of needing to hinge his platform on surviving a bullet grazing his head? or something more. don't get me wrong, enshrining himself in the idea that he defied death is a powerful thing.. but i'm just wondering if that's all you might mean