Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Gotta give it to him. A white dude in New York and he's constantly pumping out videos like this

When you talk to people irl who support this open borders shit it really boils down to just ā€œthese people are closer in my skin color and I donā€™t like white peopleā€

Thatā€™s literally it, thereā€™s no argument there they just want more brown people here because they are brown. Iā€™m not even kidding Iā€™ve talked to the blacks about this, they know itā€™s not good for white people and the people that come over are brown so they feel some type of brotherhood with them. Brotherhood of Browns

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Waste of money

That's interesting. It's almost like a country/culture without its own national identity is not healthy

the world/ west is going to be South Africanized you can't stop it.

have you been workin on breathing through the nose as well my friend

It happens normally a lot of the times now that I focused on it

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Brown people don't want to control you guys I promise.

What is cna

yet a ton of politicians of the UK are brown kekistan

Mayor of London when browns do brown shit he says its Part and parcel of living in a big city

You donā€™t know enough about this topic to post like you do

Nice. Well played

Oh so white people want to control brown people? That's why they become politicians?

White people just donā€™t want to live around brown people but itā€™s every brown persons desire to live around in a society built by white people

For most of these places 1 is historical, 4 is because real estate sway, and 2&3 are really the fault of another state

You donā€™t know enough about this to post about it either it seems

How many senate dems were loudly pro choice in 2008

How many votes do you need to codify roe v wade

The answer is not enough and too many

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You dont see whites in charge anywhere but the west. Except Peru some times kek. When whites ran south africa the economy was good now its a basket case

Anyways thatā€™s my posting quota for the day back to poe

It's remarkable how conservatives answer questions. Completely missing the point of the question and it's implications. I used to think it was on purpose.


It's remarkable how conservatives answer questions. Completely missing the point of the question and it's implications. I used to think it was on purpose.

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