Plasma official best thread winner 2024

He thinks the whole thing was staged and made up guys are you really this dense

Acted like I knew shit (and did know shit) before I went to Yale
How tf you think I got in

recency bias makes a big difference there

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I can't prove it wasn't staged.

cuz ur a darkie

using words people don't understand isn't being cultured.

and you're still afraid of make-believe brown people controlling you. more reasons you're a fucking loser.

Honorary white man clarence Thomas banned the way u got in but u made the cutoff thank god

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Anyways let’s not let my tendency to entertain conspiracy theories change the fact that trump’s ear is visible and it’s uninjured and how can that be when he’s an old ass man that said he was shot in the ear a couple weeks ago

yes im very afraid. Im saving up to buy a house in the hillbilly part of Quebec where its dusty french whites. It will be safe from the browns for generations to come

I got rejected from a Cal state when I first applied LMAO. I bet I wouldn't have if California had affirmative action.

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The shot grazed his ear and wasn’t a very serious wound, it’s not that unbelievable however I will keep an open mind on this if you have other information to consider

Ur from the hood
U prob know how bullet graze wounds go
I guess u know better than me xd

given how hard it is to get people to do what you want having that whole thing be staged perfectly is a bit farfetched. even a plan going really well is farfetched enough

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The dude I went to middle school with that got shot to death when he was 18 didn’t get grazed by any bullets

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To be clear the article that even plasma thinks contains the truth doesn't say there's evidence to prove whether he was shot, as in struck by a bullet in flight, or grazed by shrapnel from the bullet.

Both a result of an attempted assassination of course, but I like to use specific language.

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If u iso me you’d see I said he was hit by glass

Therefore not mafia

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Ive seen shit how it could have been MK Ultra or w.e

Something hit his ear whether a bullet or shrapnel from a bullet hitting something else, unless we are saying it is completely staged which I think is what LBJ is saying so at that point it doesn’t even matter

i don't know house of cards, however, just winging it, i would have to say that staging this sort of event would ATLEAST make sense to actually inflict some damage on his damn ear so as to have something to report that isn't simply just "couldn't find any wound" lol

but if we're running with staging an assassination of former president and current candidate - i think we can brainstorm a lot of reasons he may or may not have sustained damage to his ear in this scenario. that's so elaborate in scope, why limit it to purely "fake" near death of the real guy?

give me a rundown of house of cards