Plasma official best thread winner 2024

that one was fun to think about but I don't think there were any clear sources for glass shards to have come from

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Anyways I get itā€™s absurd for it to be staged

But sheesh

there was a tin prefilled with blood situated just under the platform for trump to dip his ear in

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can anyone prove it was his blood? No? Hello?

If nobody died it would be easier to say itā€™s staged but considering they had people in the crowd get blasted in the back of the head then had interviews with people who were standing right next to the people talking about how they watched these people die itā€™s a little much

They find some crazy to stage some fake (Arab?) uprising then lock him up and ultimately kill him

it actually is a matter of INCREDIBLE healing if he managed to be knicked - by a BULLET no less - in the upper ear where cartilage is more prominent than fleshy tissue and blood.

He has WWF wrestling pedigree. Do we think he cut or juiced the hard way?

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Thereā€™s more nuance to it but they get this politically charged guy and give him the tools to execute something to improve ratings for underwood and then capture him with their own forces and imprison him and then just kill him

Can we get some pictures of his ear I havenā€™t even seen the photos u guys all seem to have seen

the only viable conspiracist point imaginable is a trained shooter at the opposite angle

The one who shot trump being trained? Because thatā€™s a crazy shot to hit from that far. Itā€™s not a hard shot to hit his head but to hit his ear is pretty wild

it makes more sense than a kid being MC'ed to do the same in my poorly functioning brain

Now the maximum conspiracy is that

Dark Brandon sent in one of his young eaters (in a colloquial sense) to handle business but homie fucked it all up

But yā€™all ainā€™t ready for that one

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I really think that his rifle was on his head and he literally turned his head at the perfect time (the bullet was possibly in the air at that point) and literally dodged a bullet from braining him

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I think a kid wanted to be famous so he tried to shoot trump

the dnc fumble turnover classic...

Trump with the frame perfect input

Gdq going crazy

Trump's funny random gesturing being his saving grace is a pretty funny thought to dwell on

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Yup afterward it was clear Biden couldnā€™t take care of business no more