Plasma official best thread winner 2024

what i am saying is this - if he didn't get hit by a bullet, or anything, to manifest this "trump survives assassination" like wouldn't you just fucking take a hit on the ear to produce something so that there's some consistency to this narrative that you want?

you're telling me you dont' think someone in on this wouldn't have just whacked his ear with something during the down time or scramble out or anything?

that's the most BASIC scenario of "staged" injury that's easily performed. does trump injured pose a risk of appearing weak? is that another thing to consider about why you would NOT want to have visible injury?

i'm not sure those rabbit holes are worth the dissection

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Anyways I don’t actually believe all this

Cuz it’d be crazy if any of these old fuckers were this locked in

But do think we gotta get both Hilary’s emails and trumps records (tax and medical and Epstein)

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Now explain dead bystanders and dead shooter

A clean cut from a cuff-hidden Double Edged razor blade, now that would heal up right quick

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i mean the reality is that he probably got amazing round the clock care to help heal the wound and he maybe should've done the opposite to really enshrine the moment

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this is very easy from a pro trump stance - they don't fucking care

homie gets that stem cell skin regeneration ointment


no you wouldn't fuck this up by creating such an obvious wound source...

you can "fuck up" by letting the goddamn kid on the roof with a gun in plain sight, but you can't fuck that up if it's part of the mission

It would be absolute insanity if this were staged but trump has constantly shown us new levels of insanity since 2015 or whatever.

You’d think if it were staged they would have thought forward to have a wound but the secret fucking service also let someone get within rifle range to the former president so it’s clear we are dealing with low levels of competence

Aka women in charge lololol

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Plasma go back to ur homework

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it is more than likely MORE one than the other

so, you either have staged incompetence in total, or distinct incompetence and a random chaotic element, roughly speaking


Fillet welds

You don’t have to persuade me that the truth of the matter is some random kid decided to take making America great again into his own hands one day with no prompting by any specific political machine

I just wanted to know how this old mf healed so fast

You know these rich political folks got that top top S grade adrenochrome

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@Seth sub into this thread for me

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Uh-oh fellas. Trash expert coming through here!

120 posts behind on this thread btw

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I didn’t lie