Plasma official best thread winner 2024

yeah you were being really fucking obtuse and it was annoying

i never told anyone to stop talking about conspiracies, not sure why you made that up

you sounded like a fucking media drunk psycho

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this was my original post

yeah that was insane

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the fact you were more concerned with my hyperbolic phrasing than the actual content of the post is just weird as fuck

it's not insane at all you fucking idiot

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You all sound crazy right now


I sound normal as hell, but maybe a bit argumentative.

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not even disagreeing with me just with my phrasing

like what fucking tangent are we on here

bro you're acting like an insufferable "centrist" who is disagreeing with me on principle, and you're literally hyper fixated on my original phrasing when I already admitted it was not the best

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you act like you're trying to teach the person you're disagreeing with a very important lesson, like you're the super moral sage person in the higher position, when you're actually just being petty and obtuse and arguing about dumb things. and it just comes off condescending as fuck

No I literally disagree with you. You still don't get it. You think he was sending signals to people about ending elections. I don't. We had figured out that minor disagreement but then you @ me again with some more shit and a wise ass remark. Grow up and relax. It was done.

the "more shit" being him promising to end elections, yeah


you said it wasn't specific enough so I found you something more specific

And I had already said he probably wants to do that. I just don't think that speech was signaling it. We just hashed this out fucking 30 minutes ago. Holy fuck. You aren't going to change my mind so save your fucking clips that I've already seen and get over it.

acting like I'm a crazy radical for even THINKING such a thing just shows you're completely disconnected from reality... thats not a radical thing to think nor was I the only one who thought it

you're acting like this is some insane thing I've come up with on my own

don't mind them that's just the japanese assimilation. huber-san approaching the issues with a measured, unemotional response


well when you make criticizing my grammar a bigger objective than just saying what you think, you get situations like this

instead of making me feel defensive with pointless bullshit you could have just said what you just said

They should definitely use that clip in campaign ads all over though. That is what I want to see.